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Monday, July 17, 2017

July 16th, 2017 - 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Becoming Rich Soil

Listen to the Homily: July 16th, 2017 - 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Becoming Rich Soil

In my homily, on July 16th, 2017, at the 12:15 pm and 5:30 pm Masses, after describing the different types of soil, I ended it with 3 challenges. The first was to talk with friends or family about Mass, the homily, the readings, or anything that captured your attention shortly after Mass. This way, what was received at Mass is not easily lost.  Second, to spend 5 minutes a day, every day for a week recalling the blessings received from God and thanking Him for them. So as to promote a daily prayer life to help prevent what was received regarding the word of God and faith from being scorched by daily activities because of a lack of roots. The third and final challenge was to spend an additional 5 minutes each day for a week presenting to God all the difficulties, worldly anxieties, struggles, and obstacles to the growth of faith, asking for His help, and trusting that if we do what is reasonable, we can leave the rest up to God. This should help prevent what we have received from being choked by the thorns of those difficulties, worldly anxieties, struggles, and obstacles.

Sunday, July 9, 2017

July 2nd, 2017 - 13th Sunday of Ordinary Time - Making God our Top Priority

Listen to the Homily:  July 2nd, 2017 - 13th Sunday of Ordinary Time - Making God our Top Priority

This homily was not recorded at Mass, but at a later date.  In this homily, I introduced myself to the parish and used myself as an example of not keeping God as my top priority.  I also recommended ways to help make God our top priority through daily prayer.

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Hello Everyone, I was blessed to be at Ascension for 4 years and all my Sunday homilies, most Holy Days of Obligation homilies, some Vocatio...