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Tuesday, April 30, 2019

More Evidence for the Resurrection - 2nd Sunday of Easter - April 28th, 2019

Why do we believe that Jesus Christ rose from the dead?  It is what the evidence points to, and seems to fit the evidence better than other explanations.  It's also foundational to the faith.  If we don't believe in the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ as an actual historical event, then we shouldn't believe in anything else about Christianity.  Listen to my homily to learn about more evidence for the resurrection.  This homily adds to what I preached out on Easter Sunday.

More Evidence for the Resurrection - 2nd Sunday of Easter - April 28th, 2019
Click here to download the homily

Close up of Easter Candle with the Crucifix and Tabernacle in the Background
(The Easter Candle is a symbol of the Risen Lord and the Tabernacle 
has the Eucharistic Presence of the Risen Lord with it)

Related posts:

Below are some related bulletin articles continuing from the last post on my blog...

Evidence for the Resurrection Part 3 of 4
(Continued from the previous bulletin.)
Brant Pitre, in his book The Case for Jesus, addressed the issue of the spread of Christianity.  Some people would say that the people of Jesus’ time were more gullible than we are.  That they would simply accept such claims without evidence.  However, the Gospels themselves disprove this theory.  The Apostles and other disciples doubt or question the Resurrection of Jesus Christ on multiple occasions.  Even when their close friends tell them that they saw Jesus, they are dismissive.  For example, think of St. Thomas who told the Apostles that he didn’t believe them that Jesus appeared to them.  Only when he saw Jesus himself, did he believe.  Likewise, the disciples on the Road to Emmaus dismissed the claims of the other disciples as idle talk, that is until they realized they were talking to the Risen Lord.  If there weren’t good reasons to believe, then Christianity would not have spread like it did.
Another reason for the spread of Christianity is that not only Jesus, but also the Apostles in Jesus’ name performed miracles.  We heard about these miracles in the Acts of the Apostles and other New Testament books.  Seeing these miracles, many people came to believe. 
While there is even more evidence in favor of the Resurrection, I’ll stop here for now.  The evidence of this historical event includes, but is not limited to:  the empty tomb, the encounters with the Risen Lord, and the wide spread of Christianity.  Why do we believe in the Resurrection of Jesus Christ?  Because that’s where the evidence leads us. 
If you struggle believing in the Resurrection then please consider reading the books I mentioned:  Trent Horn’s Why We’re Catholic, and Brant Pitre’s The Case for Jesus.  I would also be happy to discuss not only the Resurrection, but any aspect of the faith with those who want to know more or have their doubts or questions.
(To be continued…)

Evidence for the Resurrection Part 4 of 4
(Continued from the previous bulletin.)
I covered three pieces of evidence for the resurrection:  the empty tomb, the encounters with the Risen Lord, and the widespread of Christianity despite persecution. Now, I would like to tell you about an atheist journalist, named Lee Strobel.  He knew the importance of the resurrection, and he decided to investigate it, intending to disprove Christianity.  In fact, in his book, The Case for Christ, which walks through his investigation, he dedicates about one third to the Resurrection of Jesus Christ (almost 100 pages).  After spending almost two years in the 1980’s investigating Jesus, he came to the following conclusion:
“My mind could not conjure up a single explanation that fit the evidence of history nearly as well as the conclusion that Jesus was who he claimed to be:  the one and only Son of God.  The atheism I had embraced for so long buckled under the weight of historical truth.” (Strobel, Lee.  The Case for Christ.  Zondervan, 1998, Grand Rapids, MI.  Pg 266)
The evidence of this historical event covered in this four-part bulletin series includes the empty tomb, the encounters with the Risen Lord, and the wide spread of Christianity despite persecution.  Why do we believe in the Resurrection of Jesus Christ?  Because that’s where the evidence leads us. 
If you struggle believing in the Resurrection, then please consider reading the book I mentioned in this fourth part:  Lee Strobel’s The Case for Christ.  It follows his personal journey from trying to disprove Christianity to becoming a Christian based on the evidence he found in his investigation.  I would also be happy to discuss not only the Resurrection, but any aspect of the faith with those who want to know more or have their doubts or questions.
For now, let us rejoice in the Resurrection of the Lord as we continue to celebrate the Easter Season!

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Evidence for the Resurrection - Easter Sunday - April 21st, 2019

Alleluia, He is Risen!  He is Risen Indeed!  We celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.  This miracle reveals that He is God, just as He said He is before His Passion, Dead, and Resurrection.  What we celebrate, is the most important event in history.  However, there are some who struggle to believe it is true.  Listen to my homily and learn about some of the evidence for the resurrection!

Evidence for the Resurrection - Easter Sunday - April 21st, 2019
Click here to download the homily

Ambo with Easter Candle
(Easter Candle is a symbol of the Risen Lord)

Related Homilies and Reflections:

Below are some related bulletin articles:

Evidence for the Resurrection Part 1 of 4
Alleluia, He is Risen!  He is Risen Indeed!  We celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ during the Easter Season.  This miracle is the greatest miracle to show that He is God.  This is the most important event in history.  However, there are some who struggle to believe it is true.
St. Paul considers the Resurrection so important that he places the entire Faith upon this event.  He says, “if Christ has not been raised, your faith is vain; you are still in your sins.  … If for this life only we have hoped in Christ, we are the most pitiable people of all.” (1 Cor 15:17,19)  If Jesus Christ wasn’t raised from the dead, then we shouldn’t believe anything else about Christianity. 
If we examine the evidence, then we can make a reasonable decision.  In the Gospels, we heard that some of the disciples went to the tomb and saw that it was empty.  Many of the disciples claimed they saw the Risen Jesus Christ multiple times.  Then, they spread the Good News throughout the known world and Christianity became popular despite persecution.  Anyone who wants to disprove the Resurrection, would have to explain the empty tomb, the visits of the Risen Lord, and the spreading of Christianity.
Catholic apologist Trent Horn, in his book Why We’re Catholic, addresses the first two issues.  Starting with why we should believe that the tomb was empty.  First, the Apostles preached the Risen Lord in Jerusalem.  Jesus was crucified and buried directly outside of the city walls.  The people of Jerusalem could easily check the tomb to see if it really was empty, and if it wasn’t then the Apostles would be exposed as frauds. 
Instead, those who opposed the Christians agreed that the tomb was empty, and they did not deny it.  If it wasn’t empty, then they would be the first to declare it, and so that’s the second reason to believe, their enemies agreed the tomb was empty.
(To be continued…)

Evidence for the Resurrection Part 2 of 4
(Continued from the previous bulletin.)
Okay, so the tomb was empty, that doesn’t prove the Resurrection, but it does support it.  Along with that evidence, we have the Apostles claiming that they saw the Risen Lord.  How do we explain their claim?
Trent Horn in his book, Why We are Catholic, addresses the argument: maybe the Apostles and other disciples were all hallucinating because they were so depressed.  That doesn’t seem to explain it.  First, hallucinations are typically for individuals, not groups.  Yet, multiple groups, multiple times, encountered the same Risen Lord, making it highly unlikely that hallucinations could explain it.
Secondly, even if that highly unlikely situation was true, then how do we explain the conversion of their opponents?  The most famous one is St. Paul.  He zealously persecuted the Christians, until he met the Risen Lord.  Then, he became Christian.  While the disciples may have wanted to see their leader risen, St. Paul before his conversion did not know Jesus nor want to see Him as resurrected from the dead.  Yet, he was so convinced that he was willing to die for Jesus.  What better explanation can we have for these encounters of the Risen Lord than that they really happened?
Maybe they were all liars and they made up the resurrection story and the claims that they met Jesus risen from the dead.  Usually, a liar lies for the sake of his own benefit.  The Apostles and disciples were being persecuted for their belief.  Most of the Apostles died for this.  It doesn’t make sense to lie about Jesus if instead of earthly benefit, they are tortured and put to death.  They must have really believed it, if they were willing to die for it.  Also, if it were a conspiracy, then someone would likely have cracked under pressure and revealed the lie.  Instead, they would rather die.  Who would knowingly die for a lie?
(To be continued…)

Last Posting for this Blog!

Hello Everyone, I was blessed to be at Ascension for 4 years and all my Sunday homilies, most Holy Days of Obligation homilies, some Vocatio...