You may be surprised by this, but when I was in primary school, I was a terrible student. I hated doing homework and would find any excuse not to do it. I was struggling with reading and spelling, and because I was so bad at it, I would avoid those subjects, which only made it worse. When I heard about the possibility of repeating a grade, I was motivated enough to do better, but still not a good student. Around 5th grade I wanted to impress my older brother with good grades and when I was affirmed for my hard work I was motivated to be a good student from that point onward.
You might think, what does that have to do with anything in the readings? Listen to my homily to find out! This audio recording is from the 5:30 pm Mass and the video recording below is from the 9:15 am Mass.
Readings: EZ 18:25-28; PS 25:4-5, 6-7, 8-9; PHIL 2:1-11 OR 2:1-5; MT 21:28-32
Key Themes: Our Choice, Free Will, Doing the Father’s Will, Eternal Life, Heaven, Hell, Final Answer
Photo by Ben Mullins on Unsplash