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Friday, February 16, 2018

February 14th, 2018 - Ash Wednesday - Ashes, Prayer, Almsgiving, and Fasting

To listen to the homily, click on this link:  February 14th, 2018 - Ash Wednesday - Ashes, Prayer, Almsgiving, and Fasting

Readings:  Jl 2:12-18; Ps 51; 2 Cor 5:20-6:2; Mt 6:1-6, 16-18

[Since it is Lent, I'm fasting from providing a picture...(Lenten humor)]

Below is the corresponding article from the bulletin, which is like a summary of the homily.

The season of Lent is a time of repentance, penance, conversion, reconciliation, healing, and preparation for celebrating Easter.  Sin damages our relationships with God, others, and ourselves.  It is God who calls us back to Himself as He said in the first reading on Ash Wednesday, “return to me with your whole heart.”  He invites us to repent so that He can forgive us and heal us.
We can find that forgiveness in the Sacrament of Confession.  It is there that Jesus Christ waits for us.  Through the priest we are reconciled with God, and with the Church as well.  Once reconciled with God and others, it is easier to forgive ourselves.  Great healing can take place in the confessional, I strongly encourage you to go to Confession this Lent.  Our regularly scheduled confessions are Monday – Saturday at 7:30 am and on Saturday at 4 pm.  We have special Lenten Confessions on March 26th and 27th at 7 pm.
Although forgiven and reconciled with God, others, and ourselves, some effects of sin may still remain.  Like when a father forgives his son for breaking a lamp, their relationship is restored, but the lamp is still broken.  To help heal these wounds, the Church recommends prayer, almsgiving, and fasting.  Prayer is having a conversation with God.  Speak to God as you would speak with one of your friends talking about your day, your hopes, your failings, and things you would like help with.  Almsgiving is presented to us to help us restore and strengthen our relationships with others.  By donating to charity, offering forgiveness, performing works of mercy, and sharing our faith with others the effects of sin can be overcome and harmony among us is strengthened.  Fasting helps us with our relationships with ourselves.  If I can say no to myself regarding food, drink, social media, video games, or whatever else I might choose, then it would be easier to say no to temptations to sin and with greater ownership of myself, I can make a more complete gift of myself to others and to God.
Let us experience the healing grace of God in the confessional and let us overcome the remaining effects of sin by prayer, almsgiving, and fasting.

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