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Thursday, July 1, 2021

Last Posting for this Blog!

Hello Everyone,

I was blessed to be at Ascension for 4 years and all my Sunday homilies, most Holy Days of Obligation homilies, some Vocations Event homilies, and most talks I gave at Ascension were shared on this blog.  Since I am no longer an associate pastor at Ascension, I will no longer post things on this blog.  

However, I will continue to record my homilies as I preach them at my new parish assignment of Immaculate Conception Catholic Church of Dardenne Prairie and post them on my podcast.  The media player below has the most recent posted audio recordings and the link below will give you access to all my recordings.

Thank you to everyone who visited and continue to visit this blog!  My past blogs will remain available for everyone who is interested in it.

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Last Homily - Healing Power of God - 13th Sunday in OT - June 27th, 2021

My last Sunday homily at Ascension.  We see a theme of healing in our Gospel passage.  God wants to heal us, especially in ways that help us get to Heaven!  I hope that I was a good instrument of God's healing grace to you.  Listen to my homily to learn more and hear my final farewell to the first parish I was a part of as a priest.  The audio recording is from the 5:30 pm Mass and it includes a story of St. John Vianney that was not in the video recording from the 9:15 am Mass.

Readings: Wis 1:13-15; 2:23-24 / Ps 30:2, 4, 5-6, 11, 12, 13 [2a] / 2 Cor 8:7, 9, 13-15 / Mk 5:21-43 or 5:21-24, 35b-43

Key Words:  Healing, Heaven, Miracles, Love

Saturday, June 26, 2021

Faith in the Face of the Storm - 12th Sunday in OT - June 20th, 2021

We can face many kinds of storms in our lives and wonder where God is in all of it?  Does He care?  Why is He letting this happen?  Listen to my homily and get some answers!

Readings:  Jb 38:1, 8-11; Ps 107:23-24, 25-26, 28-29, 30-31 [1b]; 2 Cor 5:14-17; Mk 4:35-41

Key Words:  Storms, Heaven, Growth, Prayer, Suffering

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

The Real Presence of Jesus Christ - Corpus Christi - June 6th, 2021

What makes Mass, Mass?  What is the most important part of Mass?  Some may say Holy Communion, but actually that isn't the most important part.  We can go to Mass without receiving Holy Communion and it still is Mass... Listen to my homily to find out more and learn about the Real Presence of Jesus Christ in the Most Holy Eucharist.

Readings:  Ex 24:3-8Ps 116:12-13, 15-16, 17-18Heb 9:11-15Mk 14:12-16, 22-26

Key Themes:  Real Presence of Jesus Christ, Eucharist, Reasons to Believe

Monday, May 31, 2021

Ponder the Mystery - Trinity Sunday - May 30th, 2021

The Mystery of the Trinity can be hard to accept.  It is something that should be pondered and the more we ponder it the easier it will be to accept it.  Listen to my homily to help you enter more deeply into this mystery.

Readings:  DT 4:32-34, 39-40; PS 33:4-5, 6, 9, 18-19, 20, 22; ROM 8:14-17; MT 28:16-20

Key Themes:  Ponder the Mystery, Trinity

Athanasian Creed Excerpt Describing the Trinity
We worship One God in Trinity and Trinity in Unity, neither confounding the Persons nor dividing the substance. For there is one Person of the Father, another of the Son, another of the Holy Spirit. But the Godhead of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, is One, the Glory equal, the Majesty coeternal.
Such as the Father is, such is the Son, and such is the Holy Spirit; the Father uncreated, the Son uncreated, and the Holy Spirit uncreated; the father infinite, the Son infinite, and the Holy Spirit infinite; the Father eternal, the Son eternal, and the Holy Spirit eternal. And yet not three eternals but one eternal, as also not three infinites, nor three uncreated, but one uncreated, and one infinite…
So, the Father is God, the Son is God, and the Holy Spirit is God; and yet not three Gods but one God… For like as we are compelled by Christian truth to acknowledge every Person by Himself to be both God; so are we forbidden by the catholic religion to say, there be three Gods.
The Father is made of none, neither created nor begotten. The Son is of the Father alone, not made nor created but begotten. The Holy Spirit is of the Father and the Son, not made nor created nor begotten but proceeding. So, there is one Father not three Fathers, one Son not three Sons, and Holy Spirit not three Holy Spirits. And in this Trinity, there is nothing before or after, nothing greater or less, but the whole three Persons are coeternal together and coequal.
So that in all things, as is aforesaid, the trinity in Unity and the Unity in Trinity is to be worshipped.

Thursday, May 27, 2021

Sharing Our Gifts with Others - New Parish Assignment - Pentecost - May 22, 2021

At Pentecost the Holy Spirit was given to the Church in a powerful way.  It was the first Confirmation.  God gives us the grace to spiritually mature, but He also gives us additional graces or gifts to be shared with others in the Church and the whole world.  Listen to my homily and find out where I am being called to share my gifts.

Readings:  Acts 2:1-11; Ps 104:1, 24, 29-30, 31, 34; 1 Cor 12:3b-7, 12-13; Jn 15:26-27; 16:12-15

Key Themes:  Pentecost, Different Gifts, Sharing our Gifts with Others, New Parish Assignment

In addition to my homily, I gave a brief announcement about being reassigned to another parish.  Below is the announcement that I made.

Saturday, May 22, 2021

Following God - Praying for Vocations - May 21st, 2021

Holiness is our first vocation.  As we pursue it, God will reveal to us His plan and any particular vocations such as priesthood, religious life, or holy matrimony.  Listen to my homily to find out more!

Sunday, May 2, 2021

Remain in Me - 5th Sunday of Easter - May 2nd, 2021

"Remain in me, as I remain in you. ... I am the vine, you are the branches.  Whoever remains in me and I in him will bear much fruit."  What does it mean to remain in Jesus and how do we do it?  Listen to my Homily and find out!

Readings:  Acts 9:26-31; Ps 22:26-27, 28, 30, 31-32; 1 Jn 3:18-24; Jn 15:1-8

Key Themes:  Remaining in Jesus, Prayer, Sacraments, Virtues, Accepting Pruning

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Discerning God's Will - 4th Sunday of Easter - April 25th, 2021

Jesus Christ is the cornerstone of the Church and He is the Good Shepherd.  Our place in the Church depends on our relationship with the Cornerstone.  The Good Shepherd knows what is best for us and wants to guide us to our greatest joys.  God wills only what's best for us, so we should discern His will and follow Him.  Listen to the audio from the 5:30 pm Mass or watch the video from the 9:15 am Mass!

Readings:  Acts 4:8-12; Ps 118; 1 Jn 3:1-2; Jn 10:11-18

Key Themes:  The Stone Rejected by the Builders, Vocations

Ascensions Prayer for Vocations

Heavenly Father, we thank you for the gift of life and the gift of faith; born of Your infinite love. We ask you to bless our diocese with selfless hearts, willing to worship and serve You in Your Church.

Lord Jesus, we ask You to raise up saints from our homes, as called by the Father; providing courageous and humble men to the holy Priesthood, faithful servants to Consecrated Life, and holy men and women to the Sacrament of Matrimony.

Holy Spirit, help us live out our universal call to holiness, by listening to the Father’s voice and gratefully responding with a surrendering and sacrificial love.

Holy Mary, Model of Vocations, teach us to hear and follow your Son Jesus.
Holy Mary, Queen of Priests, sanctify our priests and obtain for us many more.
Holy Mary, Mother of the Eucharist, show us the Way to the Heart of your Son.
Holy Mary, Mother of the Church, pray for our families and children to be holy.

Ascension Catholic Church, Chesterfield 2020

Spiritual Roadmap to Heaven - Radio Show Mini-Series

Did you know that the saints have mapped out the way to Heaven for us?  This was amazing news to me when I first heard about it.  Listen to a summary of this Spiritual Roadmap to Heaven in a mini-series radio show for Covenant Network that originally aired in January and February of 2020.  All five episodes can be found below!

Episode 1: Overview of the Three Ages of the Spiritual Life and the Beginner

Topics covered in Episode 1:

  • How do we go from ordinary person to becoming a saint?
  • Three Ages of the Spiritual Life:  Purgative (Beginner), Illuminative (Proficient), and Transformative Union (Perfect)
  • What is it like for the beginner in the Purgative Age?
  • Mortal and Venial Sin

Episode 2: Life in the later Ages of the Spiritual Life and the Problem of Evil

Topics covered in Episode 2:

  • What is it like for the proficient in the Illuminative Age?
  • What about Evil in the world?  How does that effect the faith of someone in this age?
  • What is it like for the perfect in the Transformative Union (Unitive Way)? 

Episode 3: Transitioning or Growing in the Spiritual Life from One Age to the Next

Topics covered in Episode 3:

  • How do we transition from one age to the next?
  • Active purgation includes: Examinations of Conscience, Mortification, actively seeking to overcome sin
  • Passive purgation is like having surgery on the soul
  • St. John of the Cross - Contemplation
  • St. Therese of Lisieux and being childlike
  • St. John of the Cross and the Dark Nights of the Soul
  • St. Ignatius of Loyola - Consolation and Desolation
  • Detachment from the things of the world
  • Unforgiveness and Forgiveness

Episode 4:  The Dark Nights of the Soul and St. Peter's Spiritual Growth

Topics covered in Episode 4:

  • Detachment / Freedom from disordered attachments to sensible things
  • Dark Night of the Senses and Transitioning from the Purgative Way to the Illuminative Way
  • Confusion when in the Dark Night of the Senses because God is trying to encounter them in a different way
  • Dark Night of the Spirit is for the detachment from spiritual things
  • Social Media, Superficiality, and lack of fulfillment
  • St. Peter's Spiritual Journey, and that of the other Apostles
  • As we grow in holiness, we understand ourselves better

Episode 5:  Growth in the Spiritual Life through the Sacraments and by God's Grace

Topics covered in Episode 5:  

  • Hope for personal growth by recognizing our progress and looking forward to the blessings to come
  • Saints can help us see that possibility of growth and desire it
  • Warning signs of getting off track
  • Growth in the spiritual life through the Sacraments and the need of being well disposed to receive the grace
  • Sacraments of Initiation:  Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist
  • Sacraments of Healing:  Confession and Anointing of the Sick
  • Sacraments of Service / Community:  Matrimony and Holy Orders
  • Meritorious works out of love of God, which grows our charity
  • Conditions to always have our prayers answered the way we want it answered
  • God crowns His own gifts
  • Additional resources for growth in the Spiritual Life


Monday, April 5, 2021

The Joy of Easter - Easter Sunday - April 4th, 2021

Happy Easter!  Jesus is risen from the dead!  This is a joyous occasion. But, what is joy?  It’s something we are created for, but it’s not something we can just buy at the store, nor is it the fleeting pleasures of the world.  Think about the most joyful moments of your life. Now consider if there are any common themes in those moments... Listen to my homily, or watch the video below, and find out the common elements of joy that I thought of and about the Joy of Easter!

Readings:  Acts 10:34a, 37-43; Psalms 118:1-2, 16-17, 22-23; Col 3:1-4; Jn 20:1-9

Key Themes:  Resurrection, Joy

Friday, April 2, 2021

It is Finished - Good Friday Service - April 2nd, 2021

Jesus said, “It is finished.”  But, what is finished?  Why even say this given the pain and agony that would be necessary for a crucified man to speak?  In order to simply breathe Jesus would need to push up from the nail in His feet and pull Himself up using the nails in His wrists and the muscles that were bruised or torn by the scourging.  To speak would require even more air, meaning He would experience even greater pain while trying to hold Himself up to speak.  This must be something important to make it worth saying. Listen to my homily, or watch the video below, to find out more!

Readings:  Is 52:13-53:12; Ps 31; Heb 4:14-16, 5:7-9; John 18:1-19:42

Key Themes:  It is finished, forgiveness

Crucifix at Ascension in Chesterfield, MO

Photo by Grant Whitty on Unsplash

Wednesday, March 31, 2021

The Passion of Christ - Palm Sunday - March 28, 2021

Sabrina, was the actress of Veronica in Mel Gibson's movie, The Passion of Christ.  Listen to the homily to hear what happened to her while she played this role!

Readings:  Mk 11:1-10; Is 50:4-7; Ps 22; Phil 2:6-11; Mk 14:1-15:47 (or Mk 15:1-39)
Key Themes:  The Passion of Christ, Palm Sunday, Love of Christ, Faith

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Life is Like a River - Third Sunday of Lent - March 7th, 2021

A river is beautiful, majestic, and life giving when it stays within its riverbanks.  Our spiritual lives are like rivers with the commandments as our riverbanks.  Listen to my homily to learn more.

Readings:  Ex 20:1-17; Ps 19:8, 9, 10, 11; 1 Cor 1:22-25; Jn 2:13-25

Key Themes:  Commandments, Reconciliation, Life like a River, Examination of Conscience

Photo by Jon Flobrant on Unsplash

Saturday, February 27, 2021

Reason for the Season - First Sunday of Lent - February 21, 2021

Why do we sometimes choose to go through pain and difficulties?   Wouldn't it be easier to just choose not to?  Listen to my homily for some answers!

Readings:  Gn 9:8-15; Ps 25:4-5, 6-7, 8-9; 1 Pt 3:18-22; Mk 1:12-15
Key Themes:  Lent, Go through difficulties for a greater good

Saturday, February 20, 2021

What do the Ashes Mean? - Ash Wednesday - February 17th, 2021

As we start our season of Lent, we mark the beginning of this season with ashes.  Why though do we put ashes on our heads?  Couldn’t we start the season in some other way?  What do the ashes mean?  Listen to my homily to find out!

Readings:  Jl 2:12-18; Ps 51:3-4, 5-6AB, 12-13, 14 AND 17; 2 Cor 5:20-6:2; Mt 6:1-6, 16-18  

Key Themes:  Ashes

Sunday, January 31, 2021

The Catholic Faith is Reasonable - 4th Sunday of OT - January 31st, 2021

For us to firmly assent to that which is unseen is called faith.  We have faith in what people tell us even though we don't see it for ourselves because we consider them trustworthy and believable.  For example, believing how software works based on what a person is told without checking the source code is a kind of faith.  This kind of faith that is called natural faith.  We use natural faith on a regular basis, believing and even acting on what others tell us because we considered them credible witnesses or trustworthy people. 

Typically, in the Church when we say faith, we don’t mean this kind of natural faith, we mean supernatural faith.  Supernatural faith is different because it is about God and His promises, which are above and beyond but not opposed to reason.  God is the one who bears witness to Himself, and with Supernatural Faith, we believe Him.  We have our reasons to believe Him and He has His credible witnesses. 

Listen to my homily to learn more!  The audio is from the 5:30 pm Mass and the video below is from the 9:15 am Mass.

Readings:  Dt 18:15-20; Ps 95:1-2, 6-7, 7-9; 1 Cor 7:32-35; Mk 1:21-28

Key Themes:  Motives of Credibility, Reasons to Believe, Natural and Supernatural Faith

Friday, January 29, 2021

Protection of the Unborn - January 22nd, 2021

Our selected readings help us to recognize that human life begins at conception.  This life must be protected.  We need to take action to help protect the unborn!  Listen to my homily to learn more about it.

 Readings:  Gn 1:1-2:2; Ps 85; 1 Jn 3:11-21; Lk 1:39-56

Sunday, January 3, 2021

Reflection for the Solemnity of the Epiphany (Children's Liturgy) - January 3rd, 2021

Although I didn't preach a homily for the Solemnity of the Epiphany of Our Lord, I did record a reflection for the Children's Liturgy.  Listen to the reflection to learn more about how God reveals Himself to those who are humble and looking for Him!  Also, the full video of the Children's Liturgy is provided below.  Happy Solemnity of the Epiphany of Our Lord!

Readings:  Is 60:1-6; Ps 72:1-2, 7-8, 10-11, 12-13 [cf. 11]; Eph 3:2-3a, 5-6; Mt 2:1-12 

Mary Protects Our Understanding of Jesus - Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God - January 1, 2021

Today we celebrate Mary, the Mother of God!  She helps us to understand her Son and help us come to Him.  Listen to my homily to learn more!

Readings:   6:22-27; Ps 67:2-3, 5, 6, 8 [2a]; Gal 4:4-7; Lk 2:16-21

Key Themes:  Mary, Mother of God, Jesus

Last Posting for this Blog!

Hello Everyone, I was blessed to be at Ascension for 4 years and all my Sunday homilies, most Holy Days of Obligation homilies, some Vocatio...