Did you know that the saints have mapped out the way to Heaven for us? This was amazing news to me when I first heard about it. Listen to a summary of this Spiritual Roadmap to Heaven in a mini-series radio show for Covenant Network that originally aired in January and February of 2020. All five episodes can be found below!
Episode 1: Overview of the Three Ages of the Spiritual Life and the Beginner
Topics covered in Episode 1:
- How do we go from ordinary person to becoming a saint?
- Three Ages of the Spiritual Life: Purgative (Beginner), Illuminative (Proficient), and Transformative Union (Perfect)
- What is it like for the beginner in the Purgative Age?
- Mortal and Venial Sin
Episode 2: Life in the later Ages of the Spiritual Life and the Problem of Evil
Topics covered in Episode 2:
- What is it like for the proficient in the Illuminative Age?
- What about Evil in the world? How does that effect the faith of someone in this age?
- What is it like for the perfect in the Transformative Union (Unitive Way)?
Episode 3: Transitioning or Growing in the Spiritual Life from One Age to the Next
Topics covered in Episode 3:
- How do we transition from one age to the next?
- Active purgation includes: Examinations of Conscience, Mortification, actively seeking to overcome sin
- Passive purgation is like having surgery on the soul
- St. John of the Cross - Contemplation
- St. Therese of Lisieux and being childlike
- St. John of the Cross and the Dark Nights of the Soul
- St. Ignatius of Loyola - Consolation and Desolation
- Detachment from the things of the world
- Unforgiveness and Forgiveness
Episode 4: The Dark Nights of the Soul and St. Peter's Spiritual Growth
Topics covered in Episode 4:
- Detachment / Freedom from disordered attachments to sensible things
- Dark Night of the Senses and Transitioning from the Purgative Way to the Illuminative Way
- Confusion when in the Dark Night of the Senses because God is trying to encounter them in a different way
- Dark Night of the Spirit is for the detachment from spiritual things
- Social Media, Superficiality, and lack of fulfillment
- St. Peter's Spiritual Journey, and that of the other Apostles
- As we grow in holiness, we understand ourselves better
Episode 5: Growth in the Spiritual Life through the Sacraments and by God's Grace
Topics covered in Episode 5:
- Hope for personal growth by recognizing our progress and looking forward to the blessings to come
- Saints can help us see that possibility of growth and desire it
- Warning signs of getting off track
- Growth in the spiritual life through the Sacraments and the need of being well disposed to receive the grace
- Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist
- Sacraments of Healing: Confession and Anointing of the Sick
- Sacraments of Service / Community: Matrimony and Holy Orders
- Meritorious works out of love of God, which grows our charity
- Conditions to always have our prayers answered the way we want it answered
- God crowns His own gifts
- Additional resources for growth in the Spiritual Life
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