Happy Pentecost! Come Holy Spirit. Have you ever been prompted by the Holy Spirit to do something? I was. Listen to the homily to learn more.
Readings: ACTS 2:1-11; PS
104:1, 24, 29-30, 31, 34; GAL 5:16-25; JN 15:26-27; 16:12-15
Below is my Bulletin Article (This is not the homily, and is only related in as much as it is about Pentecost)
Graces for the Whole Church
for our own individual salvation are offered to all in the sacraments of
baptism and confirmation, but the graces that are meant for the whole Church
are not given equally to all. In one of
our options for the Gospel Jesus gave the apostles the Holy Spirit and the
ability to be His instruments to forgive sins.
Not everyone in the Church is given that grace, only the priests and
what we heard in one of the options for the second reading; that the Spirit
gives different kinds of spiritual gifts to different people. And that one body has many parts. So too does the Mystical Body of Christ, the
Church, have many parts each with its own purpose, function, and ability. In a human body the blood provides
nourishment for all of the cells in the body and the blood takes away the waste
and toxins of those cells. The priests
and bishops provide spiritual nourishment in the Eucharist and remove the waste
and toxins of the soul in the Confessional.
In a way, priests and bishops are like the blood of the Mystical Body of
ask you to consider, what part of the Body of Christ are you? What kinds of spiritual gifts do you have
that are for the benefit of the whole Church?
What different forms of service are you well suited for in order to
build up the Mystical Body of Christ?
What different workings does the Holy Spirit prompt and inspire you to
do for the Church?
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