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Tuesday, September 25, 2018

September 23rd, 2018 - 25th Sunday of OT - Gospel and Homily - Mass Series #11

Have you ever planned to stop off at the store on the way home and then start driving only to find yourself at home and realize that you forgot to stop off at the store?  I had that happen to me many times in the past.  It’s like going into a kind of autopilot mode where not a lot of thought is needed to get through the familiar tasks.  This kind of autopilot can happen to us during Mass too.  Listen to my homily to learn more about the Mass, specifically the Gospels and the homily, to help you avoid the autopilot mode. 

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Readings:  WIS 2:12, 17-20; PS 54:3-4, 5, 6 AND 8; JAS 3:16—4:3; MK 9:30-37

Symbols of the Four Gospels with Jesus Christ at the Center

This homily was the 11th in the series.  Click on the links below for the other homilies.
September 16th, 2018 - 24th Sunday of OT - Misunderstandings and Readings - Mass Series #10

Below is the Bulletin Article that corresponds to this homily.

Gospel and Homily (Bulletin Article)
We all stand for the Gospel.  Standing is a sign of respect, attention, and readiness for the coming of Jesus Christ to us through the Gospel.  The “Alleluia” comes from a Hebrew expression meaning “Praise the Lord!”
The Gospels have a prominent place in our Liturgy because they best reveal and express to us the words and deeds of Jesus Christ who comes to us through these sacred texts.  Notice the procession with the Book of the Gospels on Sunday.  Unlike the other readings, this one must be proclaimed by an ordained minister because he speaks the words of Jesus Christ.
He tells us which Holy Gospel the reading is from and all respond, “Glory to you, O Lord!”  This response is said with joy and gratitude for the gift of Jesus Christ.
All make the triple Sign of the Cross.  First on the forehead, then the lips, and lastly over the heart.  We do this to consecrate our thoughts, words, and actions to the Lord, by asking that what is contained in the Gospel be always kept on our minds, on our lips, and in our hearts.
The word “Gospel” means “Good News.”  The Gospels present to us the best news.  That God the Father gave us His Son, who suffered, died, and was buried; and He rose on the third day bringing about our salvation.
Once the Gospel is proclaimed, the priest or deacon says, “The Gospel of the Lord.”  We respond by saying, “Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.”  We praise Him for all He has done, for being present with us through the proclamation of the Gospel, and for offering salvation to us.
The word “homily” means “explanation.”  The homily explains the scriptural readings and applies them to our lives.  Only a deacon, priest, or bishop can give the homily because they share in the authority of Christ.  All scripture, and especially the Gospels, are to be read and understood according to the apostolic faith, which is entrusted to the bishops, who shared that responsibility with the priests and deacons.

Sunday, September 16, 2018

September 16th, 2018 - 24th Sunday of OT - Misunderstandings and Readings - Mass Series #10

Listen to my homily and hear about what happened once when I was on my way back to the rectory. Also learn about how our Gospel passage today could be misunderstood and how some people misunderstand the readings at Mass.

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Readings:  IS 50:5-9A; PS 116:1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 8-9; JAS 2:14-18; MK 8:27-35

This homily was the 10th in the series.  Click on the links below for the other homilies.

Below are two bulletin articles related to the homily.  The first is about the First Reading, Responsorial Psalm, and the Second Reading.  The second article is about encountering Jesus through Sacred Scripture using a method called Lectio Divina.

First and Second Reading
The Liturgy of Word follows the Introductory Rites.  We sit and prepare ourselves to encounter Jesus Christ through Sacred Scripture.  The selection of readings for a given Sunday Mass is part of a three-year cycle.  Such a cycle allows the faithful to hear more of Sacred Scripture than prior to Vatican II.
The first reading is typically from the Old Testament, except during the Easter season.  We read from the Old Testament to see how God was at work preparing us for the coming of the Messiah.  During the Easter season, the first reading is from the Acts of the Apostles since we are celebrating a time after the Resurrection and see how God was at work in the early Church.  The first reading during Ordinary Time was selected to have similar themes as the Gospel passage for the day.
The Responsorial Psalm comes next.  The Psalms are a summary of salvation history and include foreshadowing of the coming Messiah.  It is the only book of the Bible that we read from at almost all of our Masses.
The second reading is always from the New Testament.  These readings reveal to us the teachings of Jesus Christ through the early Church and the early history of the Church.  They are mostly letters from the Apostles or disciples of the Apostles.  Many of these readings instruct us how to live in friendship with God.  During Ordinary Time, these passages are semi-continuous in that they are read to us from a New Testament book in the order that these passages appear in that book.  They might or might not have similar themes with the other readings.
For weekday Masses there usually is not a second reading.  Only if the weekday is a feast or solemnity would there be a second reading.
We sit for the first reading, psalm, and second reading since that is a position for meditation and learning.  We stand prior to the Gospel as a sign of reverence and attention.

Lectio Divina
Our Sacred Scriptures are given to as a means to encounter God, and one way to do this is through Lectio Divina, or divine reading. God will speak to our hearts through sacred scripture if we let Him.  Set a certain amount of time to it.  This is not speed reading, nor is it to read an amount of material.  We intend to spend time with God.  There are four basic parts:  Lectio (Reading), Meditatio (Repetition / Meditation), Oratio (Prayer), and Contemplatio (Contemplation). 
Lectio is a listening kind of reading, where we are paying attention to what we are reading so that a word or phrase strikes us.  Something that perhaps we didn’t notice before that gets our attention. 
When this happens, we enter into meditatio, where we repeat it slowly to let it “soak in.”  We savor it since God is trying to speak to us through it.  We open up ourselves to listen to what God might be trying to say to us.  When the inspiration from these words leaves, then we leisurely return to Lectio.  Near the end of the time period, we might have multiple words or phrases.  Sometimes we may not have any words or phrases despite our efforts, and that’s okay.  Choose one, anyway, and carry it with you periodically entering into meditatio throughout the day.
Meditatio leads to oratio.  If God speaks powerfully through a word or phrase we may become “overwhelmed with affections” and have a “surge of the heart” through which the Holy Spirit is praying in and through us.  Other times we may not have such an experience, in which case we take the word or phrase selected and compose our own prayer thanking God for His gifts and for the time spent with Him. 
Contemplatio is the final part, in which a person is seized or captured by God’s loving presence so powerfully that its reality exceeds ones’ own life.  It is a gift from God that is not always given, nor can we fabricate it through our own efforts; it can only come from God.

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Hello Everyone, I was blessed to be at Ascension for 4 years and all my Sunday homilies, most Holy Days of Obligation homilies, some Vocatio...