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Readings: RV 7:2-4, 9-14; PS
24:1BC-2, 3-4AB, 5-6; 1 JN 3:1-3; MT 5:1-12A

An excerpt of the Homily containing the teaching of the homily can be found below. Listen to the homily using the player above to hear the story.

This homily was the 15th in the series. Click on the links below for the other homilies.
September 23rd, 2018 - 25th Sunday of OT - Gospel and Homily - Mass Series #11
September 30th, 2018 - 26th Sunday of OT - Our Father, Sign of Peace, Breaking the Bread - Mass Series #12
September 30th, 2018 - 26th Sunday of OT - Our Father, Sign of Peace, Breaking the Bread - Mass Series #12
An excerpt of the Homily containing the teaching of the homily can be found below. Listen to the homily using the player above to hear the story.
In our first reading St. John saw
in heaven many saints. They were worshiping
God the Father and the Lamb. The Lamb of
God is Jesus Christ, and we will refer to Him in the Eucharist as the Lamb of
God, later in the Mass. Their worship of
God and the Lamb is the celebration of the Mass recorded in the Book of
Heaven and Earth are united
through Jesus Christ as we celebrate Mass.
The whole Church worships God, whether her members are in the Church
Triumphant in heaven, or in the Pilgrim Church here on earth. The Gloria is the song of the angels to
shepherds at the birth of Jesus, and the Holy, Holy, Holy is what the angels
and saints were singing in heaven according to the Books of Isaiah and
How does heaven and earth meet at
Mass? Through, Jesus Christ, who is both
God and man. As God He is outside of
time and as man He interacted with us in time.
He is one person though. Through
this union of His Divinity and His Sacred Humanity, His actions in time are
taken up into eternity and so not bound by time. As such, at every Mass, time and eternity, meet. Jesus is forever offering Himself to God the
Father in eternity. The saints are with Him
and so, they are participating in His eternal gift of Himself, which is made
present to us at Mass. Also, we are
united to Jesus through Holy Communion and through Jesus Christ we are united
to all the saints in heaven.
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